Monday, July 30, 2007
daddy's a MAN.
I realised that (man! I realised that I nearly always start my posts with "I realised that..." But I digress. (Right at the beginning too! Tsk.) Wow look at that...a bracket within a bracket. (*smirks* I'm a form of higher being which has the ability to think about several different topics
all at the same time.) *cue for you people to clap and cheer* Right. Sufficiently bamboozled?? Alright, alright, here we go.) I haven't posted any of the dear father's exploits any time recently. (By the way, that was a continuation from the first 3 words of this paragraph. Sorry, just trying to be helpful to all the lesser beings who were sadly confused by the end of the 1st bracket-within-a-bracket.)
HA! What, an gleefully IRRITATING way to blog. (:
But, to retain all those die-hard-fans of mine, I'll just blog this stupid story normally. (As close to normal as I can go that is. It's abit hard for a crazy person (complete with winning personality) to suddenly develop a second persona.) Oh! Another bracket-within-a-bracket. Looks like I've failed my promise to not confound the rest of you. Ah well, can't have everything I suppose.
Let me start the story a
THIRD freaking time. It all began with the crazy sis, who decided to grab my shoulder in a highly goading manner. Of course, me being the sweet-tempered and even crazier sister, retaliated by rapping her smartly on the arm, even though I knew I was being goaded. (: This would have, as usual, rapidly developed into a flurry of blows, a series of scuffles until we had satisfied ourselves that our deep love for each other was sufficiently expressed. However, midway through the second bout of blows, our dear father (who up till then had been concentrating immensely on the flashing numbers of the descending lift) glanced at us with this totally bored look and said matter-of-factly,
"Okay. Kill. Kill." and promptly went back to looking at the lift (which was taking it's own sweet time coming). Oh MY LARD!!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...the sister and I dissolved into helpless fits of laughter. Wha. Only my father will say that kind of things like it's NORMAL. Hahahahahahahah...
6:20 PM
;and the DODO has the final say.
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Ah, just to hell with it.
Prom, is SUCH a fickle ickle minute itsy bitsy snag in the life of a completely hapless JC2 student who has better things to occupy her brain with than to ponder continuously on whether to go or not to go. *makes a face* YUCK. Damn ex! Damn EX! And it's not going to be at the Ritz, so *puts on a fancy pansy accent* WHO BLOODY CARES?? Well, ME of course. Dressing up's fun (although I can't look presentable no matter how fancily I'm clad.) BUT. Money doesn't fall from trees. To go, or not to go, that's the bliddy question. I simply MUST get it out of my system or I won't have enough brain capacity to input some valuable eukaryotic and prokarotic genome information. GAH.
Yours truly initially MEANT to blog about something funny, but as usual, the dear brain's gone on a bliddy holiday to the Carribean (how NICE). So, all you poor souls are sadly deprived of your daily dose of Florenceitis. ((: *SMIRKS*
ENJOY. I beg you. (Can you just envision the WICKED smug look on my royal facade? HA!)
9:12 PM
;and the DODO has the final say.
Friday, July 27, 2007
great beetling brows
I just read this stupid person's rant about overhearing a group of TJ people moaning and groaning about studying for TESTS (yes, this person capitalized this, clearly incredulous that people actually study for tests), and yes, this person is OBVIOUSLY NOT from TJ. Hello? TJ people even study for Revision Exercises okay!!! (: Like today's Bio RE, which was definately better than the one on Respiration.
But that's not the point la. Studying very bad meh?! Very nerd meh?! (Okay, it IS.) Studying can be enjoyable you know...and more importantly, fulfilling. Hahahaha...anyway. I was rather pissed at the tone he or she employed... Crazy toot LOL. TJ people also know how to enjoy okay!!!! For example, Muddy Mud Pie outings. ((: And what not. And the mass ponning session every Thurs. PLUS, we do get the results (eventually I hope), so who's complaining??
3:42 PM
;and the DODO has the final say.
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Up in ARMS!
Today's post, is going to be rated:
highly random, rarely sane.
I seem to have joined the brotherhood. HAHAHAHAH...right Desmond! Yesterday's Gelare was...painfully hilarious. Painful in my ribs because of the laughing, and painful in my behind because we sat there for soooo long on the pretext of drinking WY's soup (with the conspicious lack of spoon thanks to the inefficient waitress). My waffle was soggy at the end though, cos I took such a long time to finish it (I was
strangely accused of trying to act glam. *wicked grin*).
Hey. My mouth is
SMALL okay?! (There's no link whatsoever by the way.)
Oh and Earl Grey tea, is just tea, according to Shaun. I always had the impression (from the many stories I've read) that Earl Grey
MUST have some
EXQUISITE taste since it's so high class. We budgeted abit by requesting for another cup of hot water and dipping the tea bag into it. Earl Grey is branded tea ok!!! One teabag for $4 ++ Like...oh my lard! Expensive tea...At the end of the whole episode, I am seriously getting concerned for DANIEL MAK KIN LOONG who wants to name his children Pikachu. o.O As well as countless other ridiculous things. Hahahahaha...
Oh and everybody should just attend "how to write your CV" conducted by TJC. The how-to-do-it FREAKING HILARIOUS. Wan Hsin and I totally spent the whole of civics trying to laugh softly (and failing)...laughing till my stomach ached. LOL. Stupid stuff they put in there.
4:48 PM
;and the DODO has the final say.
Friday, July 20, 2007
depressing clouds in the sky
Okay. I'm running out of creative and meaningful titles. But whatever.
Friendster photos are DEPRESSING I tell you. By the way, this has something to do with the itsy bitsy unimportant fact that I'm simply not photogenic. Either that or my photo taking skills must really suck. Zzz. SOMEBODY must teach me to look nicer HA!
I'm surrounded by great friends!!! (: LOVES! Hahahahah...there's...*ahem!* and *ahem ahem!* and *ahem ahem ahem!* All the small things they do for me really leaves me feeling so loved. (Ugh. I sound so UN-Florence. Jessica must be rolling on the floor right about...NOW.) Such display of public affection is highly unbecoming. *scoffs* hahahahahahahah!!
Okay. I'm running out of random stuff to talk about as well.
I miss playing my flute! (:
Oh and my hair's MUCH better today after I'd complained about it.
3:53 PM
;and the DODO has the final say.
Thursday, July 19, 2007
you know your hair's really horrible when...
Top 10 reasons why your hair's really BAD:
#10: Instead of falling straight down, your hair defies gravity and curls UPWARDS instead.
#9: Your hair resembles the lalang grass by the roadside when you wake up every morning.
#8: It puffs up instead of lying FLAT.
#7: There are this few strands which defies your persistent efforts and continuously insists on standing up.
#6: 10 different brands of moisturisers fail to work
#5: Your sisters snigger every dinner time even though you're wearing a hairband to keep your hair in check
#4: Your youngest sister tells you that you look like tweety bird.
#3: When you walk past the projector in school, you see Wolverine on the screen.
#2: Ernest tells you your hair looks like a helmet and asks why you don't take it off.
And the No. 1 reason how you know your hair's really really horrible:DANIEL MAK KIN LOONG starts recommending you DOVE SHAMPOO.
4:17 PM
;and the DODO has the final say.
Monday, July 16, 2007
my eyes are CLOSING.
Tis the day of solemnities. I dunno why but I felt so...DOWN today. Yep. The ever hyper me felt down. Ah well. Maybe I'm growing up. FINALLY, as some people may say.
Evanna Lynch (the girl who plays Luna Lovegood in the Harry Potter movie) ROCKS!!!! She's Luna to the life. You go, Evanna!!! Incidentally, this is her acting debut. (: Thumbs up for you. The Weasley twins were WICKED as usual (I'm a fan), Rupert Grint barely had any lines. Umbridge was COOL. Hahahaha...totally irritating and PINK (omg). Snape was drily hilarious, and FILCH! Now Filch has really come into himself. The way he scuttled sneakily across the hallway...side-splitting to say the least. Cho was *sigh* least we won't see her anymore. GOOD riddance. I dunno why, but she seems so...unnatural onscreen. Like she can't decide what her accent's supposed to be. -.-" Other than that...the effects were great, but overall the movie wasn't that fantastic. If you haven't read the book, you wouldn't know what's going on for nuts.
Luna Lovegood! (:
Anyway...had this argument with Princess again's normal, don't you worry.
P: I don't gossip enough. (I think she's the like the queen bee of gossip -.-") You're like DAMN WEIRD la it's like so normal for people to gossip.
Me: I don't like gossiping. Gossiping has no point whatsoever in life except to suck up brain space.
P: You're DAMN WEIRD la!!! Everybody likes to gossip except you.
(Yi Ling agreed with me at this point that gossiping is a useless activity and I gleefully pointed out that since 2 out of 3 people agree with each other, that makes her the weird one and us normal. She, as usual, just fluttered her eyelids, rolled her eyes and ignored that totally substantial statement.)
Me: I think you have about a million bytes of useless information in that brain of yours.
P: What!! Gossip makes your life interesting-
Me: No. It DOESN'T. (I have this irritating habit of interrupting her HAHA...)
P: I mean, like talking about other people is like so exciting la!!! You don't want to find out stuff like who's together or what meh...
Me: NO. -.-" *smirks*
P: You're weird la.
Notice that her vocabulary is just this teensy weeny bit limited. Hahahaha... :p Okay I'm not saying that I don't gossip at all...I think a good gossip now and then's okay, but talking about other people everyday is...OMG. Such a waste of your life. Imagine, 20 years down the road, your grandchildren sit on your lap and go "hey grandma! How was life at 18?? What did you and your friends do?" and the only answer you have is..."Study lor. And about other people." -.-" noob la. Plus, I don't think I'd like other people gossiping about me so I generally don't gossip about others. this point, Cheryl began telling me about what they gossip about me. -.-" Aiya...same old story I have so many husbands and happened in Sec school also. I dunno why la...the flutes totally made up this whole family (that was a complete HOOT). I ended up having about 7 to 11 husbands or so...enough for one for each day of the week. Bleagh. Make me sound so...hahahahaha...I think I'm immune to the so many husbands thing already. Zzzz...
4:10 PM
;and the DODO has the final say.
Friday, July 13, 2007
hair, hair and yet MORE hair.
I agree with Jessica. When I go watch Harry Potter, it's to watch everybody except Harry. Hahahahaha...after seeing pictures of him in magazines, I don't think I can look at his face without squirming anymore. All the photos of him in mags this very little bit of his sprinkle of chest hair. *gags* Which...looks hair. YUCKS la!!! OMG. I can't even talk about it without feeling squeamish. Oh and I don't watch it for Cho Chang also. LOL. I think Katie Leung is so....UN-Cho okay?! I thought Cho would be some pretty sporty kinda girl...Katie doesn't look like she'll be at home on a broom for nuts. Sorry la...biasness against her. Hahahahah...Now, James and Oliver Phelps...are a totally different story. ((: At least I haven't gotten a chance to see their chest hair yet...HAHAHAHAHAH!!! OMG. Hope not. SUCH a pity Sean Biggerstaff doesn't appear in the later that's eye candy for you. Minus the chest hair. Plus the sexy Scots accent. Hahahahahha...cannot take it la. Chest hair on Daniel Radcliffe is so...*shudders* He should get some like Hugh Jackman.
And I'm SO glad the GCSE's are easier than our GCEs. (: Makes me feel a hell lot better. Hahahahaha...At least I'm not so lacking in the smarts department eh? LOL. This JCTs...omg. At least my level position's still 100 plus, although I slipped quite a few notches. I never really worked hard this's high time I pulled up those socks!!! DANIEL!!! Let's jiayou together!!! Now, you may ask with gleeful suspicion, "why Daniel only??" I'm in such a good mood I'll even answer that. It's BECAUSE...I need to suck his power. WHAHAHAHAHAH!!!! Power of TMS all the way!!! Okay, I'm just joking really. 32/06 will jiayou together!!!!! (:
And after the will be VENICE everybody!!!! (: And can we please stop over in Florence as well?? Oh by the way can suan the TIM MAN who doesn't even know there's a city named Florence until Eugene went there on holiday. Noob. Hahahahaha...good old days laughing at everybody eh? To get back to my story...everybody!! Please donate to the Help Florence Fund!! So that I can go to Venice with my class before it SINKS. And it's Venice with class plus Woosh who wants to be extra. Hahahahaha...I don't mind going to Russia too. Oh well. After the As then talk la huh. Hahahahaha...
6:24 PM
;and the DODO has the final say.
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Finally, a TITLE.
(: I can title my posts again!!! And imagine. THAT happens to be the highlight of my day. Such a SAD life I lead. *tsk tsk*
Emma Watson got 10 freaking As for her O levels. *sighs in resignation* She's pretty, she's rich, she can act, and now apparently she's also hell smart. Wha lao. The world can be damn unfair sometimes. I mean, she totally got those As while filming the whole Harry Potter thing...and to think that I, who had nothing whatsoever to do during my spare time got about like half the number of As she got. -.-" I should have gotten like 15 As or something. Me? I have NO filming, NO pretty face, NO money, NO brain also. SAD I tell you.
SAD. was a relatively sucky day, as have all the days in the week thus far. Thank God it's Almost Over. (Hahahahah...TJ band joke) Photo taking with the class was fun I guess...until I saw the pictures.
Hai. They showed me in all my unpretty glory...ultimate sianess I tell you. My photos never fail to rub in how un-photogenic I am. *sobs* Eyes so so messy... ARGH! Cannot make it la my face. Sian diao. Somemore today we just HAD to have PE...a vigorous session of it somemore. My hair...Hai. I don't want to talk about it anymore.
All these irritating incidents culminated in GP class where Mr Tong asked us "In your opinion, who's the greatest person in history?" And me, not knowing who to pick, plucked Queen Victoria from the annexes of history even though I knew NUTS about her, apart from the fact that she was ruling in 1819 when Raffles came to Singapore. So NOW, I've to do research on her cos Mr Tong thinks it's a highly interesting person to pick. Sians sians tomorrow somemore. A merry addition to the malicious pile of work sitting on my desk mocking me.
3:29 PM
;and the DODO has the final say.
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
I STILL can't title my posts. -.-" And I just ate something poisonous. My pistacho nut tasted highly irregular.
Okay. I admit I WAS overreacting slightly over the whole GP business, moaning about my marks (or lack of it) for my Essay. But you must understand, the Essay has always been my strong point...leaving my Compre lounging comfortably somewhere behind. The sudden reversal of roles came as a big shock, and well. Yea. Stupid essay spoilt my day. Thank goodness for the Compre though. Musta gotten lucky somehow. Oh well. It coulda been worse.
I'm hopping mad fit to burst, and it's all HER fault. The intolerable one. The highly irritating one. The one who...forget it. If I carry on like that, I'll just DIE of my superhuman efforts to control my fiery temper (believe me. I really fly into tempers if left unchecked.) ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Whoa...okay. This whole gloomy outlook thing is not doing wonders for my sense of humour. -.-" Quick pass over please...
And another random piece of useless information to garnish your lives with:
the TIM MAN says "just go with the FLO huh. HAHAHAHAHAH!!! That's so funny leh!!!
Firstly, I dunno why he goes
kekekekekekeke. It's such a random sound to make. Even hurhur (which sounds totally pervertic) would have been more apt. Secondly, he also provided another piece of useless information to take up some of my brain cells...his sister thinks it's funny too. But she
laughed. And didn't go
kekekekekekeke. Thirdly, I dunno what's so funny with just go with the FLO. I think it's catchy. (: (DON'T say ANYTHING TO ARGUE WITH ME AH!) Beats being the TIM MAN anytime. Kekekekekekeke. ((: Jessica are you reading this?? HEH.
Right. That should be enough randomitis to keep you going for another day.
5:04 PM
;and the DODO has the final say.
Monday, July 09, 2007
"The Economic Development Board (EDB) warmly invites you to the inaugural EDB Dialogue and Roundtable Session 2007. This is a by-invitation only event and you have been specially selected and invited based on your excellent potential."
AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! OH MY LARD. Excellent potential!!! I so totally cracked up when I read that. Hello?? As I told the neighbour, my Econs is like the world's most noob. Okay. The neighbour doesn't happen to be a fan of exaggeration, and promptly told me that he thought it wouldn't be quite so bad. And, OF COURSE he's right... -.-" I'm not the world's most noob of course, I'd save that dubious title for somebody who doesn't even take Econs and has lived in a cave for their whole life. I'm one of the noobest of Econs (for people who actually TAKE Econs la). Not the noobest, but quite noob all the same. Hai.
As you can probably surmise from that whole paragraph of mournful gripes, Econs is NOT my favourite subject. I, like my senior the TIM MAN (: took Econs at the start of J1 hoping that it'd be a nicer subject than Geog or Hist. The both of us discovered to our consternation, that man, Econs is a completely horrid subject to take. It takes up brain space like nobody's business. AND, your teacher is liable to scold you for writing too little (like what Mrs B did), or ask you questions which trigger a biological process in which your mind goes completely blank....Econs. 3 letters describe it all. U-G-H. UGH.
And WHY does blogger prohibit me from titling my posts?!?!?! My titles are a main component of my posts leh!!! @#$%^&*! Take that, Blogger.
9:14 PM
;and the DODO has the final say.
Saturday, July 07, 2007
Singapore's GOT to be the only place where you can have a Chinese funeral and a Malay wedding just like what, 2 blocks away from each other. While it's all very nice and racial harmonic, it's bad for us in the neighbourhood. Imagine! Malay music with all the kompaks...and Chinese ringing of bells and chanting, ALL AT THE SAME TIME. *stoppers ears with beeswax*
Oh and I HATE BACH. (Does this count as flaming?? Hahahahaha...) I simply can't stand the man. In my opinion, he's a lousy old fart who probably has NOTHING whatsoever to do than to compose complicated pieces of music just to make people go "WHA!!! SO PRO!!!!" My piano teacher set me one of the Preludes and Fugues from the Well-Tempered Clavier. All I can say is, "WA LAO EH." Definately NOT well-tempered for me. It never fails to put me into a foul mood, glowering at the pages of the score. If looks can kill, Bach will have died more than twice already, and I wasn't the one who killed him the first time. *strangles air* I don't care if he's the father of music...give me the sons of music anytime. HEH. Just NOT the father.
But I'm not here to harp on racial harmony and lousy old farts. Although I already did. I meant to title this post 2 weddings and a funeral, although there was only 1 wedding, but there's something wrong with blogger once again.
The most hilarious thing happened yesterday in school la. HAHAHAHAHA. Sorry, must laugh first. Anyway...we were going through the Chem papers in the LT...and me being the Chem rep had to collect all the scripts. THEN SOME PEOPLE like Desmond, Wen Yang and Daniel, felt an urgent compulsion to go get more marks SO I had to wait for them to finish haggling la. All the haggling (Wen Yang went back to the same teacher twice to argue about the same thing and Desmond waited at the back of this super duper long queue...) so by the time we set of for Math lecture we were already like 10 000 mins late.
Plus the very very slow walk....and WY's and Desmond's agitated discussion of one question...we were so gonna DIE once we reached the next venue can?! Daniel and I realised that we forgot to bring the Correlation notes AGAIN (like so absent minded la...twice in a row same thing happened) SO. We decided to
pon the lecture when we were just 10 steps away from the place. (: Stood there quite awhile with WY doing quite abit of agitated waving of the paper around, Desmond going "But why cannot?!" and Daniel and I just basically hovering...
THEN *jeng jeng jeng jeeeeeennnnnggggggg*
Up the staircase came the HOD of MATH. Oh MY LARD. Hahahahahah...what's more, he's our teacher last year. WY came up with a quick bit of tribbling and saved our skins by waving the chem paper around more vigorously than ever...and we ended up having to go for the lecture without getting a scolding!! AWESOME. Although WY did get suaned by Mr Ang la LOL.
6:39 PM
;and the DODO has the final say.
Thursday, July 05, 2007
Crazy people in a crazy world.
This is the day, full of shocks, enough to kill me. The day started with me so groggy that for the first time in my miserable life, I turned the alarm off and promptly fell back to sleep without blinking an eye. ((: Notice the pun? (Hahahah...for noobs la. Must draw a map to point in the right direction.) AAAAAHHHHHH!! Anyway. My dad woke me up at 7. WOW. Omg. It's times like this I really learn to appreciate the very very very short distance I live from school. I managed to finish my breakfast, change, wash up, bla bla bla and still reach to school on time. ((:
Shock #2 wasn't really a 'shock' was more like eh...dunno. Uncomfortable feeling la...on one hand, I was supremely relieved to hit the 40 mark for Bio, but still. 40 is like damn bad la. My Bio...forever like that. I never do well la...anyhow, I'm just highly relieved that I don't have to donate $150 to the charity. I'd said I would if I got anywhere above 45. Hahahaha...Congrats to Yi Ling and Shalynn who broke 50 )':
Shock #3 is also not really a shock, seeing as how I know her so long liao...that C. Ang ah...WHA! Cannot take it. She's like so different from me please. What she like I confirm don't like one. What she think is normal is like so abnormal to me. Right PRINCESS. The crazy person, took my phone this afternoon and read my sms inbox. Like, wth leh...-.-" I told her that it was an INVASION of PRIVACY...and she still can give me the shocked face. MAN! o.O "Huh really meh?? No and my friends always like that one." So like that = no invasion of privacy ah. Oh my lard. And by the way, princess, there's a grammatical error in your statement. It's supposed to be "my friends and I" not the other way round. HA! :p I was so shocked my heart nearly dropped out (no link) but I wasn't too shocked to not retort (I simply cannot resist suaning her la...) and cheekily told her "orh then I'm so glad I'm not your friend." HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Upon hearing, she promptly told me not to be an ass (which she said about 6 times today. SOME people, just have NO creativity whatsoever.)
Shock #4 descended upon us like a pile of bricks, plus a huge Made in China sign. LOL. This China scholar from Xinling's class...oh my lard oh my lard oh my lard...Background info before I delve into this whole business: This really "DUA" speaker from the US came to talk to us about Copyrights (it was quite intersting) and he's spoken all over the world. Anyway. This girl, with multi-coloured clips all over her head, first gave the impression that she was a stalker in disguise, buttering the speaker up, telling everybody how he's also a musician who's posted his music on public domain...where he's spoken...what he said..."If I do not recall wrongly, you mentioned China's...about 3 times in that speech." OMG!!!!!!!!! *shudders* The whole LT was shaking in mirth and mortification. Hai. So embarrassing. Anyhow, she changed her mind halfway through her lenghty speech and decided to SHOOT him! As in, bombard him with his own speeches and demanding an explanation...She'll be INFAMOUS after this.
Other than that...the other shocks are about the most idiotic people alive. Take for example the girl who cries everytime Daniel Radcliffe walks past her without giving her an autograph. *dabs delicately at a tear in mock sympathy* OH MY LARD can. -.-" He so handsome meh. So...-.-" DIAO DIAO DIAO. *faints and dies* My heart is definately not strong enough to withstand such idiocracy in the world. There's a whole lot more that made my day, but your eyes will tear, so I'll end here.
8:59 PM
;and the DODO has the final say.
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
wisdom, understanding and knowledge
Knowledge may or mayn't be understood;
Understanding is part of knowing, as any fool could.
Wisdom, however, is understanding that most forms of knowledge may not be true.
Hai. Wen Yang, does that answer your question?? -.-" He asked me this very cheem question la. And so I give him this very cheem answer. ((: Heh. "what's the difference between wisdom, understanding and knowledge?" What kind of question is that you tell me?! I told him that it was taxing on my brain and didn't answer him, until now. (He asked me this question days ago.) Now, don't go wondering if I burnt countless brain cells pondering...I happened to think of it when I was doing my business. HAHAHAHAHAH!!! And now I'm typing it out eating the "my very nice muffin" he gave to the whole class. It's like super chocolatey la!!! Not bad la...I quite like it. Maybe it's cos I'm like super hungry now...Heh.
Oh and by the way, that's only my very lame (I think) definition of wisdom, understanding and knowledge, so if you don't agree with me, don't say anything. Muahahahahaha...stupid la. The first and 2nd lines even rhyme leh! Pro not. Although it's quite a stupid rhyme la. Hai...
5:06 PM
;and the DODO has the final say.
flying bits and pieces
This is a bid to embarrass that idiot sister of mine. But, knowing her, her skin's so thick, she probably has no bones.
TODAY IS DEAR BUB'S BIRTHDAY. PLEASE WISH HER ON MY TAGBOARD. THANKS. PREFERABLY SOMETHING EMBARRASSING, IF YOU HAVE IT. 
Muahahahahahha...oh and it's also Chun's birthday...((: But there's no need to embarrass him la. He too thick skinned already. Heh. Sians...We got back one part of our Bio paper this was. Hai. Disastrous. Self-explanatory.
11:40 AM
;and the DODO has the final say.
Monday, July 02, 2007
and I have a PROPOSITION for you...
Random #1: My sister says I speak like Artemis Fowl. ((: HA! See that Nikki?? Artemis Fowl! Which is so much better than wan that walks like a BENG. Hahahahahaha...
Random #2: My sister didn't believe me when I made the observation that Sean Biggerstaff (the guy who plays Oliver Wood in the Harry Potter movies and is totally hot by the way) and Billy Boyd (the guy who plays Pippin in the LOTR series) are from the same area. I noticed they had the same style of speaking...anyway. She didn't believe the Great One, and we checked it out on the Internet, thus proving the Great One right. ((: Hahahahha...and yes. They're both from Glasgow, Scotland.
Random #3: I can't wait for school to start, 'cos frankly. I miss my friends. Hahahahah...
Random #4: The world is dying!!! Reading the National Geographic really instilled this sense of doom. Hahahahah...(drama la) Global warming and all of that. Looking at all the pictures of whole ice shelves disappearing in a space of just 6 months...*shudders* We'll be looking at another ice age on this side of the century if we're not careful. Live Earth!!! 07.07.07
Random #5: None of my friends are up and alive online right now. NOW WHAT TIME ALREADY YOU TELL ME?! Tsk tsk. All owls I tell you. Nocturnal creatures. Such an ungodly hour and no one's up. -.-"
Random #6: Eldest, the 2nd book of the Eragon trilogy, is even better than the first. The first...for want of a better word, was...unrefined. In the style of writing, considering that the guy was only 15 at the time. That shows how 4 years can mature a person, just like NS. (And that's a randomity within a randomity)
Random #7: Nothing remotely funny is happening right now, hence the seriously unfunny post.
Random #8: I have totally stupid conversations online. And only a precious few are able to make me look like an idiot laughing out loud in front of the computer.
Random #9: My sister has nothing to do now.
Random #10: I'm utterly bored.
11:05 AM
;and the DODO has the final say.