Thursday, May 31, 2007
Cool gusts in this stifling heat.
Firstly, I would like to say that "I wish for World Peace!!!!" *waves regally and strikes a graceful posture only to be marred by my cheesy grin* Yes. Ms Japan is the new Ms Universe, and my blog is now a wonderful shade of blinding yellow. *breaks out in a cheesier grin*
Hey!!! At least it's an Asian, nevermind the fact that she nearly dropped her crown thanks to Ms Universe 2006. I noticed that this year's pagent is full of brunettes (on the side of the ang mohs cos DUH Asians are never blond except for the Nothern Indians but that's another story), and well. I had to endure 15 freaking minutes watching 77 contestants resplendent in patriotic costumes fling out their arms and proclaim proudly "(name), (age, most of them are like what, 20??) and (country)!!!!" I enjoyed the country part the most, although that could be due to the fact that well. That's about the only thing that can be heard cos they shouted. I particularly enjoyed exotic places like "EUCADOR!!!!" *beams* or "PARAGUAY!!!!" *beams and curtsies* Hey...the way they said it, I would have bought a ticket to the country for a holiday. Disappointingly, Singapore's costume this year was abit...dull. As compared to all the feathers, sequins and dramatic wing like thingys. Ah well. The next time Ms Singapore is sure to win, cos I will shout Singapore with such enthusiasm, and give such a regal wave, tourists would flock to our sunny island in droves. *cheesy grin* At the very least I would win Ms Congeniality, like Ms China did this year.
*sounds of big bubble popping* HAHAHAHAHAHAH.
YEAH RIGHT. I wouldn't even make it past Ms Singapore. I'm not pretty enough hey?? HAHAHAHAHAH. Still. In the world of words, anything goes. *puts on a pompous expression and pretends to be Shakespeare*
Okay okay, enough about such trival nonsense. A freak of nature occurred today which was amazing enough for me to give mention in my nonsensical blog. Anyhow. As all you poor Singaporeans have experienced over the past few weeks or so... the weather seems to be transcending into something reminiscent of the Saharan afternoon. *cheesy grin again* We, have suffered from oversimulated sweat glands, and highly enjoyable transitions from the heat into the welcoming air-conditioned coolness of the shopping centres (is it any coincidence that the GSS is currently on??). Imagine, my shock, when I was walking feeling the burning heat on my arms...when all of a SUDDEN. A
COOL gust of wind provides a respite to the merciless heat that beats down upon me. "WHA!!!! COLD WIND LEH COLD WIND LEH!!!!!" HA! That's what ensued from the mouths of my sister and I. HAHAHAHAH...this gift from heaven was really really cool...literally and metaphorically. Precisely. Whatever, I'm losing coherency. It was of the air-conditioning variety...about 22 degrees Celcius or so?? I was so impressed, I immediately engaged in some Singaporean activity of kiasuism. I threw open my windows with gusto, and planted myself next to the window to enjoy this free gift. ((: A nice storybook was clutched in my hand...nevermind the evil JCTs that's about to plunge rudely upon my head.
Yeah yeah yeah....the JCTs are back again, filling me with a feeling of dread. *grumbles* I have to study man!!!!! I highly doubt I'd do well for the coming exams...Bleagh. *shudders*
8:49 PM
;and the DODO has the final say.
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Island life, love it!
Somehow, I managed to spend the weekend holidaying at Sentosa. The first incredulous thought that ran through my mind's going to be one lame holiday, cos who the hell has a holiday destination 20 mins from home!? But hey, what do you know?? It turned out to be AWESOME even though I had to sleep on the floor of the hotel room. NO wonder Singaporeans rather holiday here than somewhere like....hmm...neighbouring....HAHAHAHAHAHAH. Come on la! The food was bliddy awesome!!!!! And the Volleyball Championships was on...with hot bods, and rippling muscles...(we didn't have tickets so we watched the match live on the hotel tv. -.-" The court was right next to the hotel btw.) Service was top-notch...*sighs* Hahahahahahaha...I'll put up pictures if i have time.
2nd up on the agenda! Oh ya. Eragon's a great read...although it's abit too similar to LOTR for my liking. LOL. Just advertising you know?? ((:
3rdly...HAPPY BIRTHDAY CLOVIS TAN! Hahahahaha...stupid la. Another free advertisement. I should get
PAID I tell you.
10:42 AM
;and the DODO has the final say.
Friday, May 25, 2007
Pirates a fumblin'
Pirates' was....AWESOME!!!!! Although there were alot of mind-boggling sequences, that was designed to 'WOW', the soundtrack was great, the funny bits were hilarious, and what have you. Watch it, everybody!!! But only if you've watched the 2nd one. If not, catch no ball. LOL.
Caught it with Wen Yang, Daniel and Desmond!!!! I thought Wan Hsin was going, but in the Pang seh-ded. Hahahahahahaha...joking la. She didn't know I was going. So. Was stuck with the 3 of them, but it was
highly entertaining, with Wen Yang popping in and out of various stores, checking out discount cards. (: HEH HEH. It had to be unglamness galore many many embarrassing things happened, mostly to me of course. (sian.) Hahahahaha...the guys did embarrassing stuff too, but for some reason, only GIRLS' unglamness get picked on. LOL. They spent alot of time laughing at me la. For EXAMPLE, dear Mr Chai expressed great shock when I took out a comb to well, comb my hair.
WY: EH?! YOU GOT COMB HAIR ONE AH?!OH MY LARD. I didn't know whether to laugh or hit him. Please. Hahahahahaha...I know my hair has positive entropy, but still!!!!! LOL. Absolutely hilarious. That's just one of the many many many examples I could pull out to illustrate the irritatingness of Mr Chai. So irritating, but I just cannot be angry with him. -.-" Cos it's just too funny la wha lau. Hai.
Anyhow...I must lambast those middle aged office-going workers who take the MRT back from work at night. But first... @#$%^&*!@#$%^&*!@#$%^&*! There was this Indian man (Disclaimer: this is NOT a racist comment. I'm just aiding you people in the art of visualisation.) who wanted to get off at the next stop. The train was bliddy sardine-packed, and he was one of those despicable kiasu Singaporeans who just HAVE to get to the door like 10 mins before their destination, even though there is no bliddy space to manuovere.
At this point, I'm feeling abit agitated so let us pause while I let off some steam. @#$%^&*@#$%^&*@#$%^&*@#$%^&*!
Right. I'm done.
Okay. To continue, this bliddy Indian guy with his expansive stomach shoved his way...until he reached behind me. I had no bloody space to bloody move you bloody man!!!!!!!!!
So. He settled for holding his meaty right hand which was clutching this briefcase on my right, and his left hand raised holding one of the rails on my left. In other agitatedly typed out words, this @#$%^&*! man looked as if he was hugging me. What's more, his generous belly was flat against my back.
I felt so uncomfortable la~!!!!!!!!!!! I kept squirming about trying to um, NOT touch him in any way. But the stupid lady in front of me (incidently, she's a middle-aged white collar worker as well - inferred from her dressing) refused to bloody
MOVE even though she had space behind her. She just looked at me with that lucky-it's-not-me blank stare. I could have punched her in the face man, I was that uncomfortable. If the man hadn't gotten out of the MRT, I would have scolded him, or worse, give him a free liposuction (by punching out all that fat). Daniel tried to move to give me space to escape from the bliddy horror, but as I said, there's not much you can do with sardines.
Wen Yang said he saw me laughing, but I assure you, I was laughing only cos Wen Yang was saying in this very loud voice that I was sandwiched (by the stupid man and the equally stupid lady), but none of them batted a damn eyelid. And the adults have the CHEEK to stereotype us teenagers into rude and loud hooligans!!!!!! They have no bliddy right, please. No wonder youths of today are becoming more and more socially undesirable. It's all these adults' fault.
As you can probably tell, I was very very very very traumatised by the whole incident, which lasted for all of a few minutes. Freak man. So traumatised that the 3 of them had to send me home. Okay la, that's not the only reason. The road home from the MRT is very dark okay?! For a girl la. Hahahahahaha...
Thanks WY DANIEL and DESMOND!!!!! Lol. ((: And the whole Muddy Mud Pie time at Coffee Club was...the ultimate side-splitting six-pec inducing laugh. I shall post pictures up if I've the time.Today's sport stacking was fun!!!!!! Although I was mortified when the guy asked me to be one of the 3 in a team to compete with our schoolmates. Hey, I don't do this sort of thing well under pressure, I'm not say very pro also. The guy like asked "So who's the fastest at this table??" And Abby happily pointed a finger at me. )': was really fun though. Everyone should try it. I feel like getting a set of those cups, but it'll burn a hole in my pocket. Damn expensive. Like $10 for 12?! I can buy a few thousand at NTUC for that price la. But then again, they
are special cups. *sigh* It's a highly destressing sport. LOL.
4:10 PM
;and the DODO has the final say.
Thursday, May 24, 2007
I suffer from STM.
I wanted to blog about something yesterday, but being ever senile, I've plumb forgotten what I wanted to broadcast to the world at large. Ah.....let us pause for a minute while I gather my thoughts.
Umm....RIGHT!!! I've remembered!!! OH MY LARD!!! I'm so excited la!!! The school's GP bulletin has published
2 of my GP essays!!!!!!!!! ((: *smiles from ear to ear* So exciting please. And, as usual, I was the last to know. Like, everybody knew it before I did. -.-" How entirely depressing. BUT!!!! WHOA la....I finally got my hands on a copy of the bulletin and my heart nearly burst! First time since primary school. LOL. Okay lame.
11:22 AM
;and the DODO has the final say.
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Prelude 27
((: This has got to be the first concert I've ever really enjoyed, regardless of wrong notes and what not. Hooray for TJCSB!! Hahahahahahah...(to think I was singing a different tune at the beginning of the year)
Anyway, my day started out with me having to go around the world looking for a "big plastic bag" for dear Wai Ngai. -.-" My house didn't have any (he didn't even tell me what size he wanted.) So he asked me to call Joel (my neighbour, his classmate). Joel was having tuition la, but he took some time off to sms me "I remember the dustbin downstairs might have the plastic bag he wants" HA!! Wai Ngai read it and...."wha BASKET." ensued from his mouth. Hahahahahahahaha...manly shows of wit. So since he wasn't available for the said plastic bag, we had to settle for calling Chun (my other neighbour who lives in the next block, his exVS classmate). We happily disturbed him from his slumber at 11 in the morning, and I had to go all the way to his house to get the plastic bag, while dear Wai Ngai lounged in air-conditioned luxury in the band room. He's always bullying me la.
So. Ren Liang and I went all the way to the block....(ren liang stays in the same block as Chun and he needed to get his belt) AND, this STUPID idiot vomitted all over the staircase. @#$%^&*! WE did a merry jig, avoiding all the disgusting stuff, when I accidentally brushed against the railings. Guess what. Whoever it was vomitted against the railings too. @#$%^%&*!!!!!!! Spent all of 5 mins using Ren Liang's powerful soap to remove all signs of digusting excretions.
Went back to the band room in a highly disgruntled state, armed with the said plastic bags. I dunno why I always let myself be bullied. I used to just bish people up. Weird. Anyhow...went to VCH...I was supposed to play the 2 fast and difficult solos for 3 extraordinary journeys, after Wai Ngai took my nice and easy solo away. BUT I'm so not as good as Kejian la. Only he knows how to play those 2 solos. The SC told Wai Ngai to tell me that my playing was rubbish (why they didn't tell me themselves is beyond me) and I was ELATED cos HAHA! No more struggling with that stupid thing. So everything went back to how it was, with me playing the nice and easy solo and kejian playing the 2 fast and difficult ones, and Wai Ngai with his quite tricky solos.
Around the World!!! Nice piece la...heh. I was at the end of my solo when my brain went on holiday to the Carribean. *sucks in big lungful of air* AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! The 2nd last note came out rather weirdly, but it was alright in the end so that's okay. I thought I'd screwed it up la. But alot of people came up to tell me it was very nice, so THANKS man!!!! Hahahaha...made me very very very happy. Trinity had to comfort me la...I was looking so gloomy. Jin Yan and Hao Siang and Wai Ngai said it was nice!!! And that's all what matters. Whoo!!! Jin Yan was from SAJC and Hao Siang TJ...and they came back from army to watch us. ((:
Corne and Jin Yan says hymn was nice!!! (: Thanks corne for the Hershey's!!!!
Clovis and Desmond WHO shouted "FLORENCE!!! YOUR HAIR SO NICE!!!!" Oh my LARD.
Stage band was HILARIOUS!!!! Kejian's acting gay was superb. Trinity brought the house down. Wha damn funny la he. Proud to have this 2 jokers in my section sia...having a whole section of guys is damn interesting.
The random photo we took on SYF day. Black is Wai Ngai, White Kejian and the last one me.

Yet another of the section's antics during practice. They rested their legs on the legs of the stand, and happily 'twist' for the camera.
Wai Ngai did this precarious balancing act during practice one day LOL. The flute costs $4,000 and the piccolo abit less than $10,000 (I think.)
By the way, he's a physics student. HEH.
Jia Yi, Kejian and Trinity. ((: Kejian looks damn gay in his pink jacket and wings la wha lau. He played the fairy godFATHER. He even had a halo, but that can't be seen in the photo. Trinity looks...abit like John Travolta in Saturday Night Fever. He was Prince Benjamin. Hahahahahaha...Jia Yi's one of the evil stepsisters.
The Alumni were GODS. Hahahahaha...the flutes held this top F# 6 of them, and were perfectly in tune. *bows down in submission* How is that freaking possible?! I had to share my flute with Harold, who was so nice!!!! He considerately adjusted the tuning back for me....*swoons* LOL. Xinling says he's handsome.
Kejian's solo piece was god-like. ((: The VJ people actually stood up and bowed down to him. LOL!!! Pay homage. MAN!! I'm proud to have sat next to him for all this time. Enjoy the godly aura.

The 神 himself. HAHAHAHAHAHA...he and Wai Ngai were trying to get me to decide who was more handsome while we were onstage. So happening right. Performing also got time to say this kind of thing.

The self-declared Mr. handsome. Hahahahahaahah...very funny la he. But very nice SL also.
And so Prelude 27 was brought to a close. I really enjoyed myself last night. (: Especially with the yellow tie Wai Ngai chose for the section.

Xinling, Corne and I!!! (in my Yellow Tie) Hahahahaha.
11:32 AM
;and the DODO has the final say.
Friday, May 18, 2007
Sian 0.5
Well THAT's over and done with. Chem test that is. Me, being the highly tolerant and um...innocent and naive person, (HEH. :p) didn't complain that I didn't have time to study 'cos band's taking up ALOT of my time. So gullible la!!!!!! I stayed up past my (very early) bedtime to study Chem...Okay la. I only stayed up till 11, but that's late for me okay!! I was so tired some more!!! Garn. So stupid la. Some more Ms Tng asked me today why I didn't ask to postpone the test. -.-" That's got to be the stupidest thing ever right. The teacher asking the student why don't postpone the test. Plus, the way she put it, she implied great faith in my abilities...)': Later fail again then....TENG TENG TENG TENG........*sigh*
Concert tomorrow!!!!! *sucks in a LARGE lungful of air*
*expels the last vestiges of air in a overly dramatic sigh* I still cannot make it la....ALL WAI NGAI'S fault!!! Steal my easy and nice solo. Lazy pig. Bird shit. (This line is stolen from Cheryl) NOW. Stupid la.........Ok. Must stop whining. Later people like Wen Yang complain. -.-" Hahahahahahaha!!!
8:17 PM
;and the DODO has the final say.
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Kill, or be killed.
Oh! Blogger's finally up and running like clockwork again!! Good.
HAHAHAHAHAH...those under or used to be under Mr Glosz, these are an absolute HOOT. Check it out.
For some drama, Watch this. MAN! I laughed my head off. The url alone cracked me up.
And THIS, is something that refutes the absolute term used in the url above.
http://www.student.of.david.glosz.youaremighty.comHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!! Ya la people. Dream on. You think Mr Glosz bands very easy to be defeated ah?? Know thy enemy man!!!! It's not impossible la, but you must be prepared to work. And work and work and work and work and work and work and work and work. AND. You must have a GOOD conductor. So far, the ones that I know that are great are Mr Glosz, and Lin Sheng, and precious few others. So...ya.
I think the one about defeating Glosz bands is better in terms of effects though. I like the music better. The colour used really makes a statement, but I'm not an expert at this sort of thing so I'd better shut up.
9:42 PM
;and the DODO has the final say.
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
this world, is IMPERFECT
This world, is highly imperfect, from aspiring celebrity jaibirds, to the uncle at the mee pok stall at the market across from school. Preferential treatment!!!!!
I was queueing up for my food...and the 2 or 3 customers in front of me were office workers, very well dressed and all of that. Now, I've patronised this stall for quite a long time (I've been staying in the same area for 12 years what do you expect?!) and I can tell you that the mee pok uncle has NEVER made the habit to be polite. SO. Imagine my immense indignation when I heard the mee pok uncle (and his helper) ask the well-heeled customer in front of me "What about you SIR?? Can I take your order??" OH MY LARD. I never knew the hawker was so educated man. All I've ever heard before is "Xiao mei. Yao shen me. Chi or bao. Hmm. Auntie! Ai si mi??" @#$%^&*! UNBELIEVABLE. And when the office worker walked off balancing his tray carefully, they cheerfully told him, "Thank You!!! Please come again!!!" Oh my lard oh my lard oh my lard. I think I'm going to faint. 12 years I patronise his stall, no please or thank you. Well-dressed office worker orders for the first time, and all of a sudden service becomes top-notch. MAN!!!! When I grow up, I'm so going to march up to the mee pok uncle dressed in Dolce & Gabbani, a pair of Gucci sunglasses pearched on top of my carefully coiffed hair, with Prada enveloping my feet and an Armani tote swinging on my arm, strike a pompous pose and order my mee pok, and the mee pok uncle will accord me due service.
Okay. Maybe he won't. I don't think I'll even go to his stall if I'm that rich to be all decked out in designer stuff. I'll be in the Bahamas lounging somewhere on the beach enjoying a tequila. IF I'm that rich. Which, will probably never happen. Bleagh.
What's up with blogger man?! Irritating like nobody's business. Watch out man...I'll switch to blogdrive soon if this problem doesn't go away. My sister's already switched to Xanga, which I think is bliddy inconvenient. Still, we'll see.
Anyway...just listened to the recording of SAJC's SYF performance, and they really deserved the Honors!! (: Great job...TJ wasn't anywhere near as good. Anyway, Jin Yan smsed me specially from one of the more secluded areas where they plonk army guys to ask me to cheer up, and for that I'm really grateful. Hey! I've gotten over the's life anyway. We were not up to Honors standard, may the juniors work more effectively for '09. The Gods will rise up again. Hahahahahahaha!!!
3:03 PM
;and the DODO has the final say.
Sunday, May 13, 2007
jaw dropping news
I dunno what the heck happened to blogger, but it's making me grumpy. What's up with the error thing??
Anyway...I found out yesterday that apparently,
SOMEBODY really disliked me last last last year. HA! And I thought it was just a rumour. Apparently, it's this crazy girl la. I didn't even know her until somebody told me she didn't like me. -.-" Then how the hell did she know me right. So stupid. She didn't even exist in my world la. However, I'm rather curious as to why the heck she hates me. So exciting!!! So if anybody knows, please tell me la huh. Don't kill the dodo with curiousity.
12:34 PM
;and the DODO has the final say.
Friday, May 11, 2007
GOLD. Tears were shed, hugs were shared all around. Brave smiles, words of encouragement. We played well. Just not well enough to win over THESE judges. A big big thank you to all who helped and encouraged us, before or after the competition itself.
1. To those who sent words of encouragement before we left:
Zhuangs, Desmond, Louis, Jessica, Matthew, Cornelius, Dolphin gang, Wan Hsin, Clovis, Woosh, Xiu Ru, Yi Ling, Shalynn, Hui Chan, anybody and everbody else.2. To those who came back to help us:
Terence who's damn pro.
3. And to those who comforted:
Zuan Fa whose words really made me feel that our hard work put in may not be that wasted after all. Aiya, I know la Zuan Fa, very mushy (?) la. But then really la. Thanks man.
I can't belive this.
Joshua Mok whom I haven't seen in eons. He shook my hand like so long la. As rubbishy as ever, but still. HE said we didn't deserve the Gold, and that's enough for me la. He doesn't dish out praise easily. (: Hahahahahahahaha...
Zhuangs who tried to calm me down cos I was full of righteous indignation. Hahahahahaha...
WOOSH!!! who, even though he doesn't know nuts about music, offered to plan certain assassinations....HA!!
Daryl who totally made my day by sounding so happy when he called me. "FLORENCE!!! I SEE YOU!!!" Unfortunately i totally didn't see him at all. LOL.
Clovis who called and asked if I was alright.
Chun Han!!!! who totally made me cheer up when he walked into LJS with 3 girls. HA! I wanted to wait for him so we could go home together la, but scared wait the girls jealous ma. I so peaceful one, refrain from making enemy leh.
Ke Jian and Andy who entertained me on the bus home with ahem jokes.
Cornelius who told me not to cry. Hahahahaha...
Mayves who just turned up to watch.
Special thanks to Wai Ngai and Ke Jian, who gave me a much needed hug before we went onstage. I was DAMN scared okay, as usual. Dunno why also. BUT, thanks to them, for the first time ever, I wasn't scared when we went up onstage didn't shake when we started playing. I only started shaking in the middle of hymn to the sun, when i had to hold that long note with KJ. @#$%^&*! He was shaking too la. But overall we sounded nice. (: Relatively in tune, even for the high high notes that we had to hold. Top A CAN. Near impossible to get in tune, but we did it. YAY.
Took some pictures with the TMS ppl...all the seniors and juniors, in one photo. (: Love TWE!!! I simply MUST get that photo man...Wei Jie says I've changed alot. I dunno what he means la. Maybe I've changed for the better?? HAHAHAHAHAHAH...since I chopped off my hair. never fails to surprise me when the seniors from TWE remember who I am. I'd always thought I was a pretty ulu person, and maintained a very very very low profile. But they know me!!!! ((:
Oh ya. I just remembered.
ZUAN FA!!!!!!!! He said he couldn't see me onstage. OH MY LARD. Eh I was sitting right at the side la!!!! Right outside, 2nd row...just cos I chopped off my hair then you cannot recognise me?! LOL!! Somemore I'm like the only girl in my section can cannot see you tell me. I know, you'll probably tell me I look like a guy that's why you didn't see right. -.-" LOL. K la. I forgive you. I very peaceful one. WORLD PEACE man.
I can't believe I forgot
Qin Jie, who very kindly offered me chocalate when he spotted me looking down in the dumps. Hahahahahaha..he claimed that chocolate cheers you up (he was having one himself since he was equally sad) and yes. It did cheer me up. Thanks man, king!
9:19 PM
;and the DODO has the final say.
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
depression and stress is a sign of modern society
Okay. I'm so so so apologetic about the fact that this is going to be yet another band post. Sorry la...whenever the monster SYF approaches, lots of mundane but dramatic issues invariably crop up.
Everyone's working hard (I hope), but tuning remains quite a problem. I mean, the bassoons!!! @#$%^&*! They have been out since the ancient Aztechs existed. The trumpets!! Never fails to make me search for lard. The clarinets!!! Oh my lard oh my lard oh my lard. I don't claim to be perfectly in tune of course, but at least I
make an effort to correct the tuning. I felt so uber irritated when people didn't do ANYTHING when they were so obviously out of tune. I don't care!!! Just put down the bliddy instrument and adjust the damn slide man!!!! *agitated agitated* Lin Sheng was visibly frustrated today, not to mention pissed, and trust me, he NEVER gets pissed.
He must be under tons of stress!!!! Xinling and I were going home from band today...walking along this corridor in school...when Lin Sheng came up behind us. His shirt was all tucked out, and he was stooped in exhaustion, and on his face was this look of total stress. Just the sight of him plodding heavily along the corridor made me so sad!!!!! I felt so guilty and sad that time and time again, we have disappointed him...Xinling grabbed him and comforted him somewhat...I really really hope he cheers up, cos well. He's the first conductor that inspires his band to LOVE him. And not to mention the fact that he's the nicest person I've ever met, who's not afraid to laugh at himself. He loves TJ band, and we love him, but sometimes I feel that none of us are reciprocrating the amount of work he puts into helping us. Nothing can possibly begin to express how bad I felt when I saw him so tired.
On a equally touching note...WAI NGAI wrote words of encouragement to every single one of our 4 man 1 lady section. (Haha) SO touching la!!!! HAHAHHAHAHAHA....we didn't expect him to be so....Ya la. He's so not a 'write encouraging note' person.
But enough about's the first time in a very long time that I was really happy and relaxed. Zhuangs and I really really wanted to study after Civics...and were all settled down outside the staff room to study, when Desmond, Wen Yang, Daniel, Shaun and Clovis came along. So duh they stopped to disturb us. Of course, I'm sure that that wasn't their original purpose in stopping; we hadn't even taken out anything to study yet, but still. We spent the next period just laughing and being stupid, doing those pointless mind-boggling um...dunno how to say la...fuzzy wuzzy and the mrt game...all those stupid figure 'em out stuff. It was really really fun laughing over our frustration at not being able to figure out the secret behind these brain-busting stuff. It was fun!!!! Thanks guys. I've never been so happy and relaxed since forever.
Things are happening that are tense these days. Negative feelings flying around and all that...I'm happy just to survive. What with SYF, tests, problems with some people's attitude towards life, there is only one phrase that can articulate my feelings right now - OH MY LARD.
9:29 PM
;and the DODO has the final say.
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
So. Life's been...busy. What with the SYF and all. BUT, I have an announcement to make.
SYF is like writing a GP essay. It's all highly subjective to whatever the adjudicators think of your performance and interpretation.
Anyway. The most amazing thing happened to me yesterday. ERNEST SAID MY HAIR IS VERY NICE!!!!!! *jaw drops* I was so shocked I had to look around to check for flying pigs. After half a year of laughing at my short hair (which I don't even know what's so funny about it), he finally admitted that it is remotely acceptable in the eyes of his society. HEH. So happy la. FINALLY the crazy toot decided that it's nice.
2nd CRAZY thing that happened to me occurred last night as I was plodding tiredly home from band. Plod plod plod...then ALL OF A SUDDEN. Somebody said "Excuse me....." So of course I turned around la. I'm such a friendly and helpful citizen of the world right? (: So I turned around...and saw this malay man with a cigarette dangling from his fingers smiling at me. I don't mean anything racist by mentioning that he's malay okay. It's just to help you people to visualize. I seriously thought he was going to rob me or something, he was leering in such a crazy way. Then. What came out of his mouth was, "NICE SHOES!!!" Then he continued swaggering away. o.O WTH right. So no link.
Oh and I got molested today. Some idiot behind me in one of the LTs so totally kept kicking my um, posterior. @#$%^&*! I was kept in a merry jig in my seat to um, escape the torture. I don't take lightly to anybody poking around my more fleshy parts.
Plus, the most kuku malu thing happened to me yesterday too. Nothing remotely kuku malu has happened to me since the korea trip la. Spoil my record. Anyway, to continue with the story...Yi Ling had this paper to give to John (the leo club president) and she asked me to help accompany her to pass it to him since I knew him. So...we stepped out of the class, and walked in total opposite directions. I walked to the left cos I saw him brisk walking away (he walks damn fast la) and Yi Ling happily walked towards the toilet cos she saw him around the area just a few moments ago. Wha he walk so fast la!!!!! I had to sprint to run after him. run run...then I called out "John!!" He turned....and I realised that yi ling had the stupid piece of paper. SO I like stopped him for abit no reason. So I had to turn around and stick my head out for her...and turn back ask him to wait...turn back again to ask yi ling to faster...then turn back to see him looking so blur and amused....turn back yet again to glare balefully at yi ling, then turn back YET again to tell him I have something to give him but it's not with me so wait ah. OH MY LARD. So stupid la. Yi Ling and I spent the first 10 mins of Econs in fits of laughter.
1:55 PM
;and the DODO has the final say.
Saturday, May 05, 2007
Mortification breeds an unhealthy state of mind and body.
Mortification breeds an unhealthy state of mind and body. Trust me, I know. I've had more than my normal share of embarrassing incidents (I wonder why.).
*sucks in a lungful of air*
CRAP!!!!!! The essay I had to type out and send to Mr Tong I mentioned in the post 2 days ago??? I FREAKING SENT IT TO THE WRONG MR TONG.
And the-wrong-mr-tong kindly told me in a reply to my email which patronisingly started with "dear Florence".
Believe me, I've a mammoth lungful of air to expend. Ever since band practices have stretched longer and longer....more and more lungs. Have expanded to the size of my entire chest cavity. It's currently pressing against the kidney that Xiuru tried to pinch last 2 days ago. Ok. Lame. Anyhow, band practice yesterday was BAD. Size font 200. Bold. For some unfanthomable reason, everybody's intonation was crappier than normal. I sounded like shit, like something was happily stuck in my flute. Kejian was complaining that HE sounded like shit too. Our conversation during sectionals went along the line of:
Me: Kejian!!! I sound so crappy today la!!! What if on the SYF day I destroy your nice sound?! I'm so scared la!
Kejian: Please la, my sound is shit too. So shit now la.
(everybody gives him the diao face)
Wai Ngai and I like so totally said in this uber loud voice: Yours is GOD SHIT. Ours is MORTAL SHIT. Your GOD SHIT is still miles better than ours!!!!!!! NO SHIT!
Okay. So maybe we didn't use such good English, but ya. Along that line la. Ren Liang heard and he laughed all the way home. The whole section, including kejian who was in a crappy tired mood that day, laughed too. Damn, my section is so...full of male testosterone.
To continue my band story...I'm really really worried for the band. I know, I wanted NOT to care, but I realised that I actually DO CARE. We were sounding so nice just a few days ago, and now we're back to rubbish noise. *groans* I feel so unprepared for the SYF, even though I can play the notes almost perfectly everytime now (as compared to a few weeks ago when I was still struggling with the running notes.) The clarinets cried yesterday. President Adilliah was almost in tears. I was depressed, everybody was stressed, we all need a break okay? 6 more days people, we can do it. My lips are falling off, and we're going to rehearse at SCH tomorrow. Let's just give our all in this last 6 days alright?? We've got the potential, let's not waste it. I don't know about the rest of you, but I''m not there for the GWH. I'm there for the music, for the satisfaction of a job well done, of the fruits you reap after slogging your way through all those running notes. Jia you people!!! I know, XINLING CAN'T TONGUE HER NOTES ANYMORE (see I blog about it) and I'm all tired and sounding all shitty. We're having a mini crisis, but we'll pull through ya?? Don't give up! Keep going!
I dunno why I'm writing all that. Nobody from band reads this blog except Xinling anyway.
10:05 AM
;and the DODO has the final say.
Thursday, May 03, 2007
Urgh, Argh, Orgh.
It is with trepidation that I announce to the world that I'm a terrible essay writer. I can't argue 2 sides of a coin for nuts. Ya, ya, I know, I get high marks, but that's not the point la. Anybody can score if you plonk the occasional cheem word and the occasional statistic in. Of course, you must plonk intelligently, and with skill. (*squirms around* die la, I tell everybody my secret alr.) Anyway, my point is, don't read my essays!!!! I will feel embarrassed, seriously. So when Mr Tong asked me to type one of my essays out today...I was, how should I put this?? Shocked, uncomfortable, honored, dismayed. But you can't possibly say NO! to your GP teacher who also happens to be the DM of the here I am, on the computer at such an ungodly hour to type out my essay. It's a science and tech essay...which I tore out my hair over, cos I didn't know what the heck I was putting down on the paper but for which Mr Tong gave me good marks for. Oh my lard. As I was carrying out his request, I was absolutely flabbergasted at the things I wrote. I went "OMG. I can't believe I wrote that line of rubbish." more than once, I can tell you. I can't begin to imagine the amount of skin that Mr William Shakespeare had. I bet he'd look back at some of the prose he penned and go "THAT SO WASN'T WRITTEN BY ME."
On a lighter note, I have seen the mood thingys some people put on their blog la...and find it rather amusing. Mine should read: "State of hair: bell curve" Aiya my hair reflects my mood la right. Good hair days would coincide with me being extremely tired.
Oh then there's the funny 2nd storey people who take lifts. Never for the life of me will I begin to phantom why the heck they don't take the bliddy stairs. It's only 2 flights, for goodness' sake. Take for example the perm-haired auntie I took the lift with. She was SO not embarrassed at the fact that she's taking the lift to the 2nd floor la. Happily stick out one fat finger and prodded the seldom-used '2' button with such aplomb, I thought I was in a Channel 8 drama. For the more unobservant readers of my blog, please scroll back up and look for the word "fat" in this particular paragraph. HEH. That's what happens to the very lazy. If she'd just move that um, package of hers up the steps everyday, she'd be as thin as a stick in no time. I mean, it's not like she was carrying anything heavy la...that I can understand you know?? But! The heaviest item she was carrying was an envelope. -.-" (besides her bulk la) Come on!! 32 steps only!! Other people who live on the 16th floor have to climb 98723476 steps when the lift breaks down, and you can't even haul that body up 32?!?!?!?!?! OH, the SHAME!!!!!
9:46 PM
;and the DODO has the final say.
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
I've come over in all of a bother.
Okay. Just to tell everybody, the agenda for today's post contains 5 items.
That's a useless piece of information if you don't already know.
Anyway. First up! Was the whole fiasco with Xinling's bathroom. I was um...relieving myself, when to my horror, the flush malfuctioned. Like, it couldn't even flush. Push the button, NO EFFECT WHATSOEVER. I was so shocked, my finger pushed the damned button a few more times before my brain registered that no amount of pushing would created the desired effect I wanted. OH MY LARD. Xinling and I were overcome with fits of laughter over my discomfiture of anybody discovering my unflushed excretions. *squirms*
Item number 2 on the agenda!! Also happened with Xinling, who was highly entertained by me today. (: For those who remain blessedly clueless, I, uh...have this tiny itsy bitsy minute discomfort of any butterfly which comes anywhere near me in a 5 metre radius. So....the road to the MRT station from Xinling's house happens to be lined with tall bushy...well, bushes. Which, happens to be the favourite habitat of the fluttery things. We were on our happy way along the road...nearing the end to which I was highly relieved that no butterfly fluttered out at me, WHEN SUDDENLY. Out of the corner of my eye, I SPIED this brown thing darting out from the dense green foliage. Of course I would do something stupid in reaction la...I screamed (or rather a strangled scream la actually) and hid behind Xinling, clutching her bag in defence of the evil creature which meant me no harm. OH MY LARD AGAIN. It turned out to be just a dried leaf of course. This kind of thing always happens to me. Xinling nearly suffered a heart attack. =/ We spent the rest of the way laughing uproariously though.
Say Konichiwa to no. 3 on the list!!!!! Xinling (again right lol) and I were on the train from Changi Airport. 2 Japanese guys were sitting directly opposite us...Xinling says they're cute. I only agree for one though. The one who was all absorbed in reading his Japanese book. The other one was busy fidgeting and wriggling about in his seat. The one I liked had a gigantic yellow bag though, so that might have clouded my opinion abit. Anyway, that was just useless information as usual. Back to the story. The train from Changi Airport terminates at Tanah Merah...which the electronic lady announced through the PA system. Those 2 guys continued sitting there la. OH MY LARD AGAIN AGAIN. That would mean that they would go BACK to the airport. Which, I am fairly certain is not their intention. Oh man!!!! What a way to start your vacation here in Singapore. It only hit me when we went down the escalators. Should have helped them man. Should have given Xinling a chance to use her skills at the Japanese language. Oops.
No. 4 would be um, slightly agitated, so brace yourselves for the barage of words that is to come!!!
THERE IS BAND PRAC ON THURS. @#$%^&*!@#$%^&*!@#$%^&*!@#$%^&*! I'm darned angry okay?! What's this with last minute announcements that there's extra prac?!?!?!?! I have bliddy piano lessons on THURS. Why do you have to put extra band practice on THURS?! FREEEEEEEAAAAAAKKKK. When I have piano on saturday, put band practice on sat. FINE, so I compromise by changing my piano lesson to thurs. NOW you want to change it to thurs too. OH MAN! If looks could kill, whoever came up with this stupid SYF would have been vaporised. Just like that. WHA LAU EH!!!!! They seem to think that the SYF is like the most most most most most most most life threatening thing right now. I have a competition coming up for piano too okay?! FISH MAN. Think I no need to practice ah?! "Piano lesson, tuition, all these are stupid reasons. Even if you have flu, we will expect you to come for band prac. The tutorials...tests...all all know what to do la huh."
OH MY LARD. I HAVE NOT ENOUGH LARD TO EXPRESS MY FRUSTRATION MAN. SOMEBODY PLEASE LEND ME SOME LARD. Somebody once told me, that since my name begins with the letter 'F', and has 8 letters, it would have to be twice as vulgar as
THE vulgar word.
Now would be an extremely good time to fully utilise the power of my name!!!!!! RAH!!!! I know SYF's in a week, but still. ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *agitated agitated*My dad's gonna scream.
In the light of band having prac today. On a
PUBLIC HOLIDAY. Child labour it is. Child labour. I'm dead beat. Thus making me unreasonable and grumpy.
I'm SICK AND TIRED OF BEING OBLIGATED TO DO THINGS I DON'T WANT TO!!!!!!!! Please let everything be over soon...everything must be in moderation. SYF's no big deal what. I don't see what's so life threatening about it. I just wanna ENJOY okay?! ENJOY!!!!! I do hope you guys have not forgotten about that precious word. ENJOY.If the band weren't sounding nicer and if it weren't for lin sheng, I would have gone on strike.
6:25 PM
;and the DODO has the final say.