Sunday, December 31, 2006
I feel that I must make amends for my rather agitated previous post. Hahahha...I haven't been this...strong worded in a very very very long time. Not a good end to 2006 eh. LOL! Still. Flag day never fails to make me grumpy.
:p Well...I spent the lastest last day of 2006 spring cleaning my room. I wiped everything down with a wet cloth, washed the dirt of the wall, vacumned the dust off everywhere, arranged everything nicely on my desk, bla bla bla. *smiles contentedly* What an achievment!! Hahahha...I suddenly got the urge to sprig everything up after I got back from the spotless houses in Korea. (: SO...after a giganumous effort on my part, my room is relatively clean now!!! -.-" Okay. So maybe it doesn't look any different from before the great cleanup (except for the fact that it's CLEANER by abit)because I'm such a cleanliness cum organisation freak. *sigh* So many things I wanted to improve on!! Hahahah...I shall organize my room even further, make it nice nice!! =/
5:14 PM
;and the DODO has the final say.
Saturday, December 30, 2006
the WORLD is coming to a moral end.
I hope the title sorts of makes sense. (: Woke up quinessentially early today to participate in a compulsory Leo flag day even though I'd just spent the last 2 days commandering hell. (a.k.a. the kids in my group for the Leo Street Camp. I'd like to elaborate, and shall endevour to do so at a more convenient time. Which would most probably in the New Year.)
Fast forward...yea. I'm now at my vigil at Tampines interchange, on the lookout for the more charitable Singaporeans that pass me. Flag day is so...well. Nearly always a bad experience. It's really interesting to look at the ways
kiam siap Singaporeans pave the entire walkway for you. The government should make flag day compulsory for ALL singaporeans. THEN they'll get a taste of how ******* irritating their moral behavior can be. But I don't intend to dedicate this whole entire post to these imbeciles. There are the really beautiful people which I feel are of more importance to the world than *turns up nose* those *points disgustedly* uncompassionate idiots.
SO. Let us quickly go through the amusing antics of the people of Singapore.
Class #1These are the people who use the ever-so-original method of whipping out their cellphones. The ensuing conversation is the most urgent call they've ever taken in their entire lives. (: Of course, there are those who are genuine la, but that's a different story.
Class #2I found out, to my great surprise today, that
BREAD is the most fascinating item on Earth. I spent alot of time trying to figure this out. How is it, that bread can be so beautiful, and scrumptious looking, that people continue staring at the poor loaves intently even when they're past the bread shop?? Turn heads to look back for soooo long some more. WOW. I never knew bread looked this good. (: QBread's advertising must be fabulously effective.
Class#3Aiya...these would be the people who look at you like you got the plague, and immediately makes a wide detour around you to get out of the vicinity.
-.-"Class#4This one's an individual. He ******* stared at me, then blatantly reached out and took a damn sticker without donating anything. I decided to be an ass, and shouted OI! Happily for me, I got the desired effect of attracting alot of attention to him. Everyone saw him frozen with his finger in midair, with the incriminating sticker stuck to it and a guilty expression on his face.
Class#5Would be the irritating people who put their hands in their pocket like they're scrumaging around for change, walk near you, and happily continue past with a smug smile on their face. Now, these are the people who really make my day. Who the hell they think they are?! Bloody people. Somebody should just
exterminate them off the face of this Earth. Don't want to donate then don't donate la! Act until like that, waste my bloody time smiling at you. WTF.
Class#5Belongs to another human
BUG. (Wait. It's an insult to bugs. I take that back.) Anyway, this WOMAN. I approached her, with a big smile plastered on my face. I say HELLO some more. You know what she did?? Scold me. She freaking SCOLDED me. I should have just kicked her Gucci shrouded ass all the way into outer space. Asshole.
Right. Now that we've got the unpleasantries out of the way for good, let's focus on the nicer people of Singapore.
Niceties#1These are the people who smile back at you apologetically, even though they don't wish to donate. At least they acknowledge your presence you know?? (:
Niceties#2These are the people who donate with a smile on their faces. I forgot to mention above that I abhor people who donate looking like they've been FORCED to donate. Please. If you're that stingy, I'm sure we don't need your money. Even people who donate for the sticker aren't this grumpy about it.
Niceties#3There was this guy, who keeps a pocket full of coins, and puts a coin in everybody's tin. So nice right!! He walk down the whole aisle plonking in coins happily. And he didn't even want a sticker for all his kindness. (:
Niceties#4Okay. This old lady, I dunno whether she can be classified as nice la. She donated money, then asked me the directions to the toilet. I had to bring her there la... Haha. After that got another lady, expected free of charge service. You wish ah!! Don't donate I don't provide door-to-door service. Pointed her in the general direction then let her look for it herself man. =/
Niceties#5These really make my day. They walk up to you without even asking, and put in all their coins. Love them man. I mean, all the old people who donated, they may not have so much money, but they're still donating every single time!! Smiles at you some more!! It's the younger generation of Chanel cladded richies that snub you. Of course, not all of them are like that la. Whoever you are, you know that you're
5:37 PM
;and the DODO has the final say.
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
So many things to utter, too little time.
It seems that I really have the uncontrollable urge to talk about every single little thing that goes on in my life.
BORED YET??Ok. Here's the highlights of 2006 which I feel I must chronical before the year passes me by. Inevitably, the word MSN will pop up. And so will the word BLOG. (: Without these 2 technological marvels, I won't be able to do my PW, and definately not be sharing this with the world right now. So. Here's the Top 5 highlights of 2006, brought to you by
1. 32/06My class!! Full of beautiful and quirky people. And...ya. Consisting of Abby!! XIU RU!! (hahahaha...happy not?? in CAPS somemore!!) Clovis!! Wan Hsin!! Zhuang Shu!! Fiona!! Christianne!! Yi Ling!! Noriko!! Desmond!! Daniel Mak!! Wen Yang!! Shaun!! Caroline!! Joy!! Cheryl!! Shalynn!! And Xiuling!!
2. The pau sold at the cafeteriaGOSH. Great for the palate. Except that the stupid auntie seems to steam only 1 everyday. Me and Wan hsin practically have to draw up a timetable to see who eats the pau on which day. Haha.
3. KOREA!!!!The best time ever. Thank goodness 2006 ended on a good note.
4. PromosThis was the crappiest time ever. Everybody was cramming, all of us really grouchy and panicky. But it was a very big incident.
5. Fifa '07 at the Class Chalethahahahah...stupid la. Can tell that I'm running out of things to say right.
9:15 PM
;and the DODO has the final say.
I'm getting back to my OLD SELF. Wheeeee!!
Yea, my Old Self, who is utterly accident prone. Accidents of the unglam variety. I still can remember laughing about it with Emily, Tallie, Joshua Mok, Timothy and Zuan fa. But that was
a million years ago. (: Exaggeration is such a great invention.
A million years later, Clovis, Wan Hsin and I were traipsing down the ulu road to Tampines Ikea when the raindrops started falling on my head. *sings the song* The raindrops started enlarging, so we decided to run. Unfortunately, flip-flopping along fastly is a
BAD IDEA. And you have no idea how bad. Halfway down the pavement, my left slipper got lost on the flat concrete jungle metres behind me. @#%&*! I could have screamed bloody hell, but I didn't. I, being completely civilised, opted for the less vulgar form of expressing embarrassment. I
laughed. So did Wan Hsin who was just behind and who got the full view of my poor slipper being unjustly abandoned. (DAMN. I can't stop sniggering. The whole computer table is SHAKING.) AND so did the two ladies behind Wan Hsin who caught the whole unglam episode. (I swear, through my years of unglam accidents, I've developed skin a metre thick and am able to publicise such unglamness for the world to share.)
Right. Done laughing?? Let us continue with the story. SO. The rain was pouring by then, so I stopped (thus enabling the rain to fall happily in great dollops on me) and took out my umbrella. Wan Hsin and Clovis were happily at the carpark by then see. My life-saving umbrella served me to the utmost. Not only was I able to walk at a more leisurely pace to the carpark, I was able to laugh at the 2 poor ladies behind me who didn't have an umbrella. (: Heh. See la. Laugh at me somemore. Still. I can safely say that the entire episode was an absolute fiasco. Bleagh.
Somehow, being back to my unglam self doesn't bother me as much as it should have. I have had great times laughing at them myself. Wait. That's rather SAD. Laughing at myself. But whatever. I'm babbling already. Maybe I should just stop tormenting my readers with long mindless posts.
8:11 PM
;and the DODO has the final say.
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Oh well. I'm in all of a dither.
I didn't get my chio shoes after all. I got my 7th or 8th choice. Bleagh. Which are not so nice, but practical and serviceable. I have expensive taste la...hahahahha... either that, or they don't have my size. As usual. I have to start living with that. My feet so big meh?! Hmph. Anyway...I bought this pair that's waterproof. I've had enough of soggy feet everytime it rains. Which, is pretty often in Singapore. Hahahhaha...Oh well. This pair is going to have to last me at least a year...and I seem to wear out shoes pretty quickly. Especially at the heels. The heels of my red Converse look horrendous. There's a hole in the right shoe and since today has been raining incessantly, I was soaked. My jeans were soaked. My socks were soaked. I should have taken out the new shoes to wear, but I was afraid they'll stink up.
6:37 PM
;and the DODO has the final say.
Hail, 2007!!
Let's welcome 2007 with excitement and a
BIG WARM HUG. Right. I'm not really looking forward to the beginning of next year yet, having considered the fact that it'll be full steam ahead in terms of mugging...and I haven't gone shopping for my New Year clothes yet. Hope I'll be able to go to Vivo again...there's hell lot of things I want to buy there.
(:Now that I've satisfied myself with mindless ramblings. I've plumb forgotten what I really wanted to say in the first place.
Somebody pinch me.
Oh ya. Remembered! I'm going to get new shoes today!! Hopefully. Saw these 2 really nice pumas at well, PUMA at Vivo on Sunday...but my dad wants to try another store cos he says they may be cheaper. SO...of course I'll go willingly along if it means that another chio pair of shoes are up for possession!!! I'll miss my red shoes though. They saw me through the whole of 2006, even in Napfa (which was stupid of me) and of course, Korea (in which they didn't prevent my toes from freezing at all). But what do you know?? The price has to be paid for having good looking feet. Heh. It's not as if they're heels or anything...I'm really partial to sneakers by the way. Sneakers in striking colours. Bleagh.
(:Following closely on my 2007 wishlist would be this Addidas jacket I saw at the (HAHA) Addidas shop. Also at VivoCity. How original eh? Hahahahaha...but it's freak $109 and I'm still contemplating whether I should make use of the $200 I got from the MOE to splurge on it.
=/ The good news is, J2s get to use more air-conditioned rooms, and it'll be I can make use of it. But $109 is the price of the shoes too. Like so...not worth it when you compare.
Third up,
thank goodness next year's gonna be a short year. Of course, this could be both a blessing and a curse, but I'm hoping for the best. After the As, it would be fast shopping, work, and Korea/ Japan/ Italy. Oh ya. Another thing I've learnt in Korea is that Korean ladies shop
fast. Hahahaha...and they have LOTS of shops in Korea. o.O How can man. They run marathon or what.
I'd love to torture all of you with more random rubbish, but I must run. The father calls and I must heed or my shoes will disappear!! Tata!
10:06 AM
;and the DODO has the final say.
Monday, December 25, 2006
this one's for JESSICA
Hahahahahah...JESS!! Let me tell you about Jonathan's retardedness. That day la...a few of us went to Cine, wanted to watch movie. Then you know right, Cine in the middle of the mall there's this screen which shows trailers of upcoming movies?? That stupid Jonathan ah, always say things without thinking about how stupid they'll sound. There was this trailer for Blood Diamonds la. Then his angle abit sala, he see see see...."eh? Let's watch
Blood Donation la! Looks quite nice." OMG. Everybody started laughing at him la. RETARDED OR WHAT. Who the hell will name the movie blood donation. Hahahahahhahahahaha....
9:59 AM
;and the DODO has the final say.
Friday, December 22, 2006
ode to 32/06
Clovis is such a great classmate...he never fails to write a tribute to every single person in our class after any big event. Hahahahahah...FOREVER one la that guy. Anyway, I'm not sure if you read my blog Clovis!! But this guy la...he sincerely cares for everyone in the class...he'll ask if you're alright, and will always be there if you need cheering.
AND I'M SO SORRY I ALWAYS PANG SEH YOU!!! Hahahahahhaa...everytime he ask us to go out, it's like I always never go...I know, I'm very busy, and if I'm not busy I'm sick., I'm also very lazy to go Clovis has an uphill task trying to get me out of the house. =/ Sorry ah. Hahahahahaha...hey. You may not do too well in tests now (later A levels come out all A. Hahaha) but hey! You're a really to say?? EQ very high la. Ya...I'm glad that you're in 32/06. Our class rocks man!!! All the different different personalities coming and welding smoothly together like
Other than that, this whole week has been a series of unfortunate events.
First! Was the saddening downpour of snow right after we arrived in Singapore.
Second! Was the sickening marathon my nose decided to enter. And the vigorous coughing match my throat engaged in.
Third!! I plunged dramatically down the spiral staircase in temasek sec. DRAMA my FOOT. It wasn't even a proper plunge la. More like a stumble. I fell one pathetic step only. And got a scraped knee for all my pains.
Fourth!! Would be the totally mindboggling incident which occurred today en route to getting lost in Bishan. The bliddy
bus attacked me. Scratched. And it looks totally gross. Even my sister can't stomach the thought of taking more than one peek at it. Who knew buses could be so potentially vicious?! In all my years of taking the bus, this is the first that I've encountered habouring a weapon of human destruction. Bleagh. Beats me where the sharp thing under the seat came from.
9:01 PM
;and the DODO has the final say.
Thursday, December 21, 2006
well well well. What do we have here??
Coupla things to, ah...mention at this point of time in the year of 2006. It's gonna be 2007 in, lemme see...approximately 10 days and the malicious A levels are looming around the corner mocking me. *sighs resignedly* Ah WELL. After the As I'll fufil my dreams of travelling, so what the hell. I'll tide over this irritating trial of the national exams.
Item #1:
Congratulations to all those who've been posted to TJ. Really. Study hard and you'll be on your way to a get out of jc free card. (: How encourageing. Hahahahahhaha...well. Seriously. JC's one of the best years of your life, and although you only get to spend 2 short years with your new friends, you will always be bonded through the thousand years of study time you did with them, during breaks, lunch etc.
Item #2:
To all my lovely juniors in TWE, all the best for coming 2007 and the also irritating SYF. I have always felt that the SYF is one of the most disturbing accolade in the musical world. Heh. It serves no purpose whatsoever except to allow schools ammunition for the art of interschool suaning. =/ Well. There is one purpose la. In Singapore it serves as a dangling carrot for schools to strive for the coveted top spots. But I digress. To all my juniors, whether I know you or not, don't be too stressed up over SYF. It's just another hurdle the ministry has set up for you to improve yourself, yada yada. No big deal.
Item #3:
I think I'll be quitting band soon. As in, TJ band. After all, Kejian has been accepted into TJ, and he has enough power to keep the section afloat. I know, I know, this is a hellish attitude to have, but too bad then. I've lost passion for band, and last night's concert was my swan's song. I won't be able to stand another year of SYF after having been in 2. The band doesn't need me anyway. I'm such a shitty player as of now, I'll only pull down their chances of retaining the runner-up spot in the rungs of junior college bands.
It's such a stupid thing to quit so soon after I'd joined them, but well. I've had a great time with them, the people are really nice and all, but I've had my priorities sorted out, and I've decided that I want to focus on studying. Something which I've never been really good at. =/ The elders keep telling me I've the potential and all, but never for the life of me have I had a glimpse of this elusive talent. Heh.
Item #4:
Item number 4 would be the most light-hearted agenda on the list today. A good warm hearted holiday cheer to all of you people out there! Merry Christmas!! And a Happy New Year!! It is the season of joy and giving, spreading hope and forgiveness, so let us all put a sincere smile on your face and make someone's day!! (:
11:32 AM
;and the DODO has the final say.
Monday, December 18, 2006
I'm bloody sick.
Life's not fair. *bashes head on the computer table* Hahahahha...Sang Bum just told me that it snowed heavily yesterday and they went out to have a snowball fight. We missed the *toot* snow by 1 freaking day. How can that be possible!!!!! ARGH! I totally expended my entire vocabulary of Korean expletives. Plus, I'm currently having a bliddy cold. Nose is crying balefully for help, throat is tickling like hell. How to play for concert like that?! Bleagh. People!! Please please please start donating to the help Florence fund now k!! that I'll have enough money to buy winter clothes, and go to Korea next year. LOL. I'll make super duper sure that it's snowing when I finally go man. Hopefully I'll be able to go...
2:05 PM
;and the DODO has the final say.
Sunday, December 17, 2006
part 2 homestay
SO....part 2 of homestay. We went downtown shopping. Their downtown is really downtown la. Think
underground shop shop then it was time to go home. :'( I was really reluctant to go la...cos it meant that it would bring the time I had to return to Singapore nearer....took a taxi back. Taxis in Korea are freaking expensive I tell you. Clovis told us that a trip from the city to the airport is already 200 to 300 Singapore dollars. Maybe he calculated wrongly...hahaha.
While shopping, Chang Hun and Sang Bum kept offering to buy me a gift. So sweet can! So I got 2 pairs of chopsticks and 2 pens. With traditional korean figurines on them. So touched!! Hahahahha...I only anticipated one gift, so I only prepared a gift for Chang Hun. I felt so bad la!! Like don't have gift for Sang Bum. So I bought some coloured paper for which Chang Hun happily paid for to make him a card. @#$%^&*! I only asked Chang Hun to enquire the price and he happily go pay. -.-"
By the time we got back, it was already around 10 (korean time). So...I went to the room I was using and finding the door closed, I knocked. Going in, I found Chang Bum (I was using his room) half naked on the bed reading some history book. o.O HEH. To put it in Korean speak, "he has good body!" HAHAHAHAHAHA. So pai seh to ask him to take photo la. Anyway, Chang Hun was already sleeping in the other room so cannot take family photo. =/ Chang Bum just came back from snowboarding, and the room stank a little of his smell. HAHAHAHA. Lucky abit only la, or else I'll be sleeping on the sofa outside.
Woke up at 4am to go to the airport...feeling so sad to leave. Waited in the freezing cold for Sang Bum's car to arrive...and all too soon, we were at the departure point. I was walking toward the bus with Chang Hun lugging my heavy luggage...when Sang Bum thrust this package into my hands and said "final gift." SO SAD CAN!!!!!!! Then we took some more pictures...and I finally went up the bus. They had school after that and they still came to see us off...such great people to know la. Okay. I sound sentimental. -.-" Shall stop soon. They sat there and wave...and wave and wave and wave. o.O They wave so long I decided to go down and sit with them so they'll stop waving. HAHA. Talked abit more...made a few promises with them, and finally, finally,
3:12 PM
;and the DODO has the final say.
korean homestay
Hello people!! Back from Korea yesterday if you didn't know...this post's gonna be part 1 of the whole Korea trip...about the homestay. Most of the skiing pictures are in my friends' camera, so that part of the trip shall be saved for another time.
Homestay!!!!We all went for the homestay with much apprehension...mainly because the YMCA people told us that there was a screwup in the rooming process. Most people would be staying alone with the family, instead of in pairs.
SCARY CAN!!!! Plus, I had to change with another girl, so I didn't even get to have my original buddy. BUT WHATEVER. I got the best buddy la. Clovis, Wan Hsin, Ernest and Jonathan they all were so jealous cos my house had ESPN channel. My buddy, Lee Chang Hun's home had like
657 plus channels la. WHA LAU EH. Plasma tv somemore. Their house was very nice...and I got to use Shuai Ge's ROOM!!! His name is Chang Bum and he's my buddy's brother. Very handsome and his teachers say he's very gentle. *winks*

This is the Chang Bum's bed which I slept in.
I was brought to his house...after which we went to KTV!!! YAYNESS man...sang the goong songs...listened to them sing Korean songs...Sang Bum (no. 1 guy) and his homestay buddy Sharlene was there too. Plus 2 more others. Actually, it was meant to be only 4 poeple going...but then their other friends were so curious about me, they came to the singing club too. zoo display like that. Then went back for dinner...
Anyway...the three of us (Chang Hun, Chang Bum and me) walked to the Institute after dinner. The institute is sort of like night school, except that the hours are really flexible, and you can not go if you don't want to. Chang Bum kept asking me "who do you think is better, me or Chang Hun??" hahahahahha...I didn't want to say la...then he happily continued "do you feel sorry for Chang Hun because I'm better??" LOL!!! Chang Hun is 14 and Chang Bum is 16. Chang Bum kept telling me throughout dinner that I didn't have to finish everything if I didn't want to. Heh. (Do I see girls swooning in front of the com??) He couldn't speak English as well as his brother so we settled for him talking to me through his brother. Apparently boys especially in korea can read English but can't speak it.
Our conversations went like this:
Chang Bum: (something in Korean)
Chang Hun: (replies in Korean)
Me: (looks from Chang Bum to Chang Hun like blur sotong)
Chang Hun: (tranlates to English)
Me: (replies in Enlish)
Chang Hun: (laughs and translates to Korean)
Chang Bum: (laughs and replies in Korean and smiles at me)
Me: (smiles back)
Stupid right. -.-" Since Chang Bum couldn't speak English well, we had to keep smiling at each other. LOL LOL LOL. My buddy could speak very good English as he went to Australia to study English for 3 years. I tell you, most people suddenly changed accent during the homestay. HAHAH!! Mine was American. -.-" All the "twenny" all come out. If you don't speak like that, they don't really understand...
Anyway, back to the Institute. We went there, argueing about whether I was 17 or 19. Cos in Korea as I mentioned earlier, the people are 1 years old when they're born. Turned out I was 18 in korea, and Chang Bum immediately asked if I could drive a car. -.-" The koreans were very curious about driving. the Institute, Chang Bum went off to some class, and Chang Hun brought me to meet said teacher. He didn't like her very much, and I'm not sure I do too. Hahahahha...too many questions la. Plus her laugh is like so.......LOL.
Chang Hun's mother was super nice la!! She even put the electric blanket thingy under the sheets to keep me warm. In the middle of the night, it was so warm I started to sweat la. =/ Got up to turn it off. Hahahahahha....
Morning!! We went to Nami Island! Nice and cold place!! Chang Hun's father took one look at me in the morning and brought out an Addidas anorak of Chang Bum's? and made me wear it cos he said it was going to be really cold. So nice right!!! Nami was great...took lots of photos but I think blogger is going to die if I load them all. Chang Hun and Sang Bum bought me this yellow sweet potato freshly steamed. SHIOK! DELICIOUS MAN!

This is Sang Bum (no. 1 guy) and friend. I can't remember his name. Clovis or somebody says he looks like my long lost cousin. I think Sang Bum looks like Edwin. =p
After that we went to their high school for cultural night, but everybody (including the koreans themselves) thought it was rubbish so I won't go into detail here. Sang Bum then asked if I wanted to have pizza for we went to his house (I went to like so many houses to be put on display) to wait. We slacked around for abit, took alot of random photos...went up to his neighbour's house where the three daughters giggled at me like nobody's business. @#$%^&*! Thank goodness I didn't get girls for homestay. We got pissed at their incessant snickers so we went back downstairs. *heaves a sigh of relief* It turned out that we were really waiting for the neighbour's mother to cook this dish. Then we ate this spicy dish!! NICE man...but really really spicy.

Chang Hun used Sang Bum's toilet to business. Then he got trapped inside cos he couldn't unlock the door..Sang Bum had to go rescue him. HAHAHAHAHHA. Drama la. Sang Bum and I were playing with the electronic dictionary (which is very high tech and definately nicer than the one my sister is using). He looked up this korean word, translated it to English, and told me "Chang Hun has abnormal sexuality." HAHAHAHAHA. WTH. They love to suan each other like that la. Then Chang Hun came out of the toilet...then Sang Bum went in to wash his hair and immediately let out a Korean expletive (I've learnt alot of these). "SO SMELLY!!!" I went over to take a peek and we immediately dissolved into helpless laughter. "CHANG HUN'S POO IS SO BIG, THE TOILET IS SPOILT!" Sang Bum was pressing the air freshener like nobody's business. Then we took a photo of the clogged toilet. =/ Their toilet is very high tech one leh! Press one button, help you wash your bum, press another and the toilet dries your backside for you. Another button provides in house music. o.O

The clogged toilet. HAHAHAHAHA.
Went to Korea's version of Pizza Hut, where the pizza is like HUGE with a thick ring of cheese, and another ring of sweet potato. WHA LAU. DELICIOUS MAN!!!!!!!!!! The salad also like free for all like that la. Sang Bum practically built a mountain of the salad. Another friend joined us for pizza. He's really camera shy la. Rolled about on Sang Bum's floor to avoid taking a photo.

The guy on the extreme right is the camera shy guy.
Then we went shopping!! Where I discovered that I had happily forgotten to bring my wallet. Sian ji pua. Had to borrow from Amanda...I want to go back to korea!! I didn't do enough shopping la. We had to go back early cos Sharlene (from YMCA Singapore) wanted to go back, plus Sang Bum said I looked tired, although I vehemently denied it. HAHAHA...notice that I haven't mentioned Chang Hun for quite long?? Hahahha...he was busy bullying the camera shy guy. Who was busy biting him back. o.O They kept buying gifts for me pai seh. But so nice of them.
Okay...shall elaborate more later. Got piano lesson.
10:19 AM
;and the DODO has the final say.
Saturday, December 16, 2006
I miss my Korean friends already. The homestay should be at least a day longer!!! Although it
does impose on their hospitality. At least you'll have more time to appreciate them...Hahahahhaa....My homestay buddy's the best man...he had so many friends calling him to ask me to say hi to them. Plus!!! He hangs out with really great people. Like the No. 1 in the whole level...who sings really well by the way. I'll upload photos of them soon...they're only 14. They're really cheeky and mischeivous, but so sweet can!!! Keep buying me gifts and food to eat...even sent me an email to ask if I'd reached Singapore safely (no. 1 boy. Who's not even my buddy. My buddy should be busy playing games. Like wen yang number 2 like that.) and to give me his address...SIANS MAN!!!! I want to go back to korea!!!!!
10:34 PM
;and the DODO has the final say.
Thursday, December 14, 2006
love from korea
(:HAHAHAHAHHA....HELLO! I'm in korea now!!! Love from korea man....I'm blogging from my homestay person's house. Staying alone can...without Wan Hsin, but the people are really awesome!!! Hahahahahaha....staying with 2 brothers, and the elder one is handsome leh. Hahahahhahaha... *winks* Jealous or not!? Too bad he's 1 year younger than me. Or is it 2 years? Hahahha...The below mentioned English teacher tells me that Korea has a different calendar. (: Whatever la. Still nice looking people I'm staying with. Plus the mother cooks FANTASTIC FOOD okay. I ate some of every dish. *smiles contentedly* Go KTV, then went to this institution after dinner where the English teacher
interrogated me about Singaporean culture. o.O Apparently. Being an ambassador of Singapore is no big joke man! She just had to ask things like "what's the best job in Singapore for unmarried women??"
*faints and dies* What sort of question is that?! LOL!!!! But they're really nice la....the family rocks k. Got this small little cousin girl also. So
IPOYO!!! That doesn't mean cute by the way. Anyway, more about korea when I get back, this is just a teaser. HEH HEH.
9:32 PM
;and the DODO has the final say.
Saturday, December 09, 2006
Hey people! I'm back!!! From Malaysia that is. Flying off to Korea today. REALLY REALLY scared I didn't bring enough clothes or what not else. =/ Anyway, just checking to see if you people are still reading this blog, since it sorta died a week ago. Well. It's going to die again for another week, so hasta la vista~! Hahahahaha....but after that's gonna be energetic revival, so clean your eyes and buy your spectacles by the 17th!!
(:Malaysia was kinda fun...but I'll elaborate more later. Went with the same old people who went to Pahang last year...which includes Daniel (Chiang) and his brother Jonathan, who plays the
flute as well. Sian man. World so small. Hahahahah.
Anyway. Shoutouts!!
Xinling: Hahahahaha!! Aiya, you also always nvr come...leave me alone... :'( Hahahah...sorry la. I'll bring back lots of photos from korea!!
TWE flute section!!!: Our dear senior
MR MALAYSIA, suddenly found that he actually loves us alot. (HEH.) Suddenly very enthusiastic to see us one last time before his head hair all come out (for army). SO. Tell me when you're free anytime
after the 4th of Jan, cos that's when he's coming back from his MALAYSIA. Should be a section lunch or dinner la...Or if want can go somewhere play pool again since he's so pro. Hahahahah!!
Piak the stick down and rebound! Maybe the
6th or
7th? Try to tell me ASAP. (Why am I always the organiser?!) Tell the others who don't read my blog k!!
9:05 AM
;and the DODO has the final say.
Sunday, December 03, 2006
i think the pic is so damn irritating
Okay...a few things to cover today. This sounds ridiculously like how a teacher would begin class. But whatever. Freedom of speech and all that. Bleagh. Hahahaha. I think I shall start with the bad news.
Bad News #1:
I may not be able to play for fiesta. The Korea trip organisers called me to tell me I was going to fly off a day earlier. (: And (stupid me!) I actually thought that the trip would end on the 15th in that case. =/ Well,
it's not. I'm still coming back on the 16th. Shing Wei says. It
sucks. But I, being ever optimistic (HA.) found the silver lining in this sad situation. I sound so
shitty now, maybe if I don't play, it'll be all for the best.
Bad News #2:
I don't even know if this qualifies as bad news. I took off the picture on my blog, cos I thought it was too damn freaking
BIG. Hahahaha...I wanted to put this pic of....but I won't tell you to spoil the surprise. Jess knows about it though.
Good News #1:
SINGAPORE WON THE TABLE-TENNIS MATCH AGAINST NORTH KOREA!!! Table-tennis is one thing that I enjoy watching. (Yes...even more than football, although I don't watch that often.) Anyway!! Singapore was leading 2 games to love, and then! North Korea peaked. Shatted in my pants when Zhang Xueling lost, then Li JiaWei lost too. (I was watching the game live) :'( Then it was 2 games to 2, and the deciding match was played by Sun Bei Bei (who's an Asian Games debut??). She was down by 2 games, and the N. Korean only needed one more game to pull N. Korea into the finals against China, but Sun Bei Bei was, to put in Singapore speak,
steady bom pee pee. She pulled off the next 3 matches to put Singapore into the finals in a nailbiting finish. And I thought Singapore was going to lose so I went to sleep. =/
12:04 PM
;and the DODO has the final say.
Friday, December 01, 2006
stupid band prac
7:49 PM
;and the DODO has the final say.